We Are Proof. #UKHealthCare

Gabby male, university of kentucky, public health, uk healthcare, uk medical, kentucky, kentucky medicine, kentucky health, kentucky wildcats, BBN

Some of you may not know this, but I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a major in Public Health. Being a coach, I work with so many nurses and I get to see first hand how much these incredible women do on a day to day basis. It truly is remarkable. I have partnered with UK Healthcare to promote their recent campaign We Are Proof. UK Healthcare is truly so incredible, and the work they do there is heroic! They deserve all the credit, and support in the world.

These are the people who save lives, cure diseases, lend a hand, and keep our community together! It would mean the world to me if you could take a second to watch this amazing video they have put together. It will give you the perfect depiction of what UK Healthcare stands for!

Please share with family and friends if you support UK Health Care <3

We Are Proof

Here's to every patient and caregiver. Every nurse and doctor. Every researcher, therapist, tech and team member. Across the Commonwealth and beyond, you prove The Power of Advanced Medicine every day.

Posted by UK HealthCare on Friday, May 31, 2019